Event Videography Near Des Moines
Our Event Videography Services are available for filming at a location within a 25-mile radius of Des Moines, IA.
We offer professional broadcast-quality HD video and sound.
- 4K/UHD
- Live streaming
- Portable green screen and studio lighting
- Postproduction editing services
We charge an hourly rate of $75.00 for filming services with a minimum of 2 hours charged per event. When estimating your event filming costs, please account for an additional 30 minutes for setup and breakdown.
In addition, we require at least a one-week notice before an event and a deposit of half the estimated cost of the filming payable when you schedule your event. Deposits are nonrefundable except for instances where we have to cancel a scheduled event.
Receive a free Top Athlete Profile Website when you purchase postproduction services totaling $250.00 or more.
For any questions or to schedule an event, please phone or email us by using the form or information provided on our Contact Us page.